About Your Coach

I have always grown up around sports and fitness has always been a huge part of my lifestyle. Having the opportunity to play Division 1 sports in college was a huge wake up call for me after injury and truly dealing with things like anxiety and depression for the first time. I was on a downward spiral unknowingly digging myself a deep hole. Like it did to us all, 2020 made me realize where I was and that I needed to get out of playing the victim and staying in a mindset that does not serve me anymore. I knew then that I wanted to help other women who find or who have found themselves here in their life and assist in helping them love their body and soul from the inside out. Now I am an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and IIN Certified Health Coach also training to eventually compete in Wellness for Bodybuilding. I absolutely love what I do and will give 100% effort to my clients always so I expect the same!

FAVORITE QUOTE: This is a hard question because I LOVE my quotes and affirmations. But here is one I am loving right now, “The greatest gifts are always at the bottom of the box. Remember that when you’re about to give up,”

WHAT WOULD YOU TELL A CLIENT WHO IS NERVOUS: Thats GOOD! I had a professor in college tell us before we had to present that if we aren’t nervous, then maybe we should check how much we care. It is normal for our bodies and mind to start overthinking and overanalyzing something new that is being presented in our lives. When we don’t know what lies ahead it becomes so easy to self-sabotage because it gives us this ability to predict whats going to happen (even if its bad) providing an illusion of control. Just breathe. And know that you have sooooo much time to grow, and there is no timer standing over you. We will get through all the good and bad days together and I will be here to help every step of the way!

WHAT MAKES YOU STAND OUT FROM OTHER TRAINERS?: I think my acceptance of imperfection. I always thought to be a trainer I needed to eat perfect everyday, be in my idea of a perfect body, etc… But I have learned that I would be waiting around for ever because perfection is not even real and transparency and relatability is what clients not only want but need. I think being able to be open about my hard days and struggles makes me able to connect with so many amazing people and continually grow as a person and coach.

WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH WOMEN?: The older I have gotten the more appreciation I have for being a women. There are so many things as women we go through daily that only we can relate too and it makes me very passionate and driven to work with Individuals who I can relate with. It is also a dream of mind to eventually open a women only gym so it is a huge part of my brand that I prefer to stick with throughout my growth. I do offer group training that can be done with your partner or friend of any sex/gender.

WHAT DO YOU HOPE YOUR CLIENTS GET OUT OF THIS?: I just want you to love yourself. And loving yourself is deeper than liking a good picture you took. Loving yourself is showing up when you maybe don’t feel like it. Choosing to eat a nutritious and fulfilling meal because you know your body will thank you for it. Loving yourself is looking back and analyzing all the good and bad ways you’ve handled life, and saying “Its okay. I forgive myself.” Self-love isn’t this easy thing like social media presents it. It’s extremely hard and raw, and for a lot of people starting in the gym is a huge part of that journey that I am honored to be apart of and help you get there. I hope whenever our journey together ends that you can go into the world knowing that you are more than enough, always have been and always will be. And you will get through the hard days that you thought you could never get out of when they happened the last time.