Blog #3: Doing it for your future self.

It’s hard to imagine the unknown that lies ahead. Knowing that we can have a 5 year plan but in reality we have absolutely no idea of what the future is holding for us. So how do we do things for our future selves? To ensure that those ideas and dreams we hold so close to our hearts actually come true? I think it comes down to two things and one of those comes from the Law of Attraction. When we go to a restaurant and order food we know the food will be there in 15-20 minutes. We aren’t worried they wont have what we ordered, we aren’t worried they will forget, we are speaking what we want knowing we are going to get it. Well it is the same with our mindset and how we think about attracting things. What if we thought about your dreams like a restaurant? When we speak something into existence it’s about changing the perspective from “What if it doesn’t come?” to “What I want is already present in this universe and is waiting for me.” It’s withdrawing yourself from focusing on the outcome which leads us to our second topic, realizing yourself and just being here. If the DREAM version of yourself came to you from five years in the future and said “Everything you asked for, came true.” How would that change your mindset of how you chase towards those goals now? Wouldn’t you take a breath? If you knew you got that job, you lost that weight, you mended that relationship, you had the kids you wanted, you traveled to your dream destination, you opened your own business, wouldn’t that make you work with passion and excitement now? So do that. Because all the things you want are here in this world, this country, this universe. Believe that you already are the individual you are trying to become and exude the energy you want to have. Get up every morning and go to bed every night looking in the mirror telling yourself everything you desire is already flowing in the air and waiting for me to grab it, but you cant grab anything if you don’t fully believe it isn’t there. Believe it in the deepest parts of your soul. Be delusional. Be confident. Be so enveloped in your passions and what excites your soul that there isn’t any other option but for those things to happen. Hold on to those feelings and never, EVER let them go. Move with a purpose and know that your future self is waiting for you to join them.


Blog #2: Keep Going